Unless you have the comfort of using a WYSIWIG editor like Excel or Word, creating tables by code can be a huge pain. Whether it’s LaTeX, HTML, or WikiText, it feels like 90% of your time is spent on markup, and 10% spent on data entry. And that’s if you get the table correctly formatted the first time.
Fortunately, there is a semi-WYSIWIG editor out there that lets you edit tables as if they were actually tables. The humble Table Editor, created by Peter Skeidsvoll, is as simple as it gets. You enter your data as you would in a spreadsheet, and it generates the source code for you.

Currently, Table Editor supports the following languages and markup formats:
- LaTeX
- WikiText
- Plain text
- Mathematica
Besides its simple interface, Table Editor comes with a few simple tools to help you manage your data, such as setting borders or sorting your data. If you’re looking to take the pain out of creating a simple table, check out Table Editor at http://www.truben.no/latex/table/.