Thank you WordPress!

That’s the newly redesigned WordPress bar (I’m not sure what it’s called.) It looks a lot prettier and gives the user more control over all of his blogs. Now you can write a new blog post on one blog, then jump to another blog and moderate comments on it. Awesome functionality!  And one more cool thing: it floats on top so …

Something new!

I was browsing through my WordPress administration pages yesterday and this is what I found: Looks like more blog statistics, but this time, it’s spam comments! I’m glad I found this. I’ve always hated spam and kept track of it here. Now I can check my blog’s spam history (which really sucks) among other things such as comments that are …

Thank you WordPress Theme Team!

In a very short amount of time the WordPress Theme Team has provided users with a plethora of new themes. It seems like new themes are coming out every week! As I preview these themes, they seem so much newer and fresher than the old ones. I have still yet to find one that matches this blog perfectly. In …