I Took a Fall

Yesterday, I was riding my bike to my piano teacher’s house. I was going down a large decline and made it down without any injuries. All of a sudden, I started slowing down and my bike just tilted to the left. I knew I was going to fall. Normally, I would be able to break the fall in some way …

This Blog Needs a New Title

Seriously, the name “Deathgleaner’s Blog” is very boring, bland, and un-original. Blogs like Rough Drafts (EasyBib’s Blog) have better names. I’m reaching out to my blog readers to come up with a better name for this blog. Please comment and tell me your idea. Thank you! UPDATE: Hmmm… maybe something like DeathPress Blog? I don’t know. UPDATE: Okay, since everything …

Adding Stuff to This Blog

I’ve been adding a lot of pages to this blog. If you have any recommendations of what I should put on individual pages, or to suggest other pages I should have, leave a comment on this post. I’m also thinking of categorizing these posts someday. The largest tag is Uncategorized. I still prefer tags though.