Now Posting from myBlogEdit

This is the third application for blogging that I’ve tried. It’s called myBlogEdit by MOApp. You can find the application at here (Mac OS only). So far, the application is great. It’s like ScribeFire, but as an application, not an addon. The blog editor has a simple interface quite similar to ScribeFire. It allows for multiple accounts, but only supports …

12 Tips for Blogging

July is National Blog Posting month. Are you participating? If so, here are some tips on how to write your blog posts to get more viewers and readers. Keep it as short as possible – People do not want to read an essay that’s four pages long. Remove any fine details if they don’t add to your story, or any …

A Fire in Pictures

This is the third fire I’ve seen in a month’s time. It happened on the trail just outside my house. It was quite a big fire, considering that it engulfed a whole section of the trail. The fire was not easy for firefighters to reach, since their fire trucks couldn’t get through the narrow trail, so they brought in a …